
By nature and training, I am a teacher. If I learn something, I NEED to share it. If I need to know something, I try to learn it.

I would love to share with your group.

There are many topics I have already prepared and presented. I would also be happy to custom a lesson, teaching, or writing just for your group. Each noted lesson can be custom fit to your group for a short presentation or a multi-session, retreat style teaching.

The following are topics and lessons already prepared:

*Lessons from my book, Teapots and Power Tools, Effectively using the tools God has gifted you with, while taking the time to “Be still and know that He is God.”

*A Spa For the Soul – “Do you have beautiful feet? & Being the Hands and Feet of Jesus”

*Thinking Intentionally

*Worship as a Lifestyle

*Encourage, Embrace and Exhort

*Splendor & Majesty, Knowing God Through His Magnificent Creation

*Comfort ~ Know the Comforter, Be Comforted, Be the Comfort

*Daughter of The King ~ Who is Your King? Who You are Because of your King, What is Your Response to Being a Daughter/Child of the King?

Here is a sample of my work. I spoke on the topic of Hope, using my mother-in-law’s life as an example.


Please feel free to contact me by filling out the contact form. I will get back with you ASAP.