She is Clothed With Strength and Dignity

She taught me, from her recliner and wheelchair, how to cook, how to serve, how to love my neighbor as myself. I learned compassion, patience, and true joy of serving through practical experiences of lifting, transferring, schlepping wheelchairs, bathing and grooming, cleaning her house, shopping for my grandparent’s groceries and cooking them their favorite foods until they no longer needed the foods and trappings of this earthly life.  

Destination RESToration The Cost and Value of Restoration

I am a bargain hunter. My husband likes to remind me that it is only a good deal if it is something you need or really want and find it for a great price. But there is something very satisfying about finding an old beat up piece of furniture and recreating it into something beautiful and useful, especially if it ends up being a gift for a special friend.

Isn’t that how God is with us? He finds us all broken down, worn out, sometimes we may even think of ourselves as worthless. And then He makes something beautiful of our lives.

Destination RESToration Restoration for the Weary Soul

This is part nine of Destination RESToration. If you have not read the first eight segments, I encourage you to do so. Destination RESToration, DR Restored to Our Original Purpose, DR Preparing for Restoration, DR Restored Communion with God, DR Call the Carpenter. DR Remove, Rinse, & Rest. DR Refine & Replenish, DR Tools forContinue reading “Destination RESToration Restoration for the Weary Soul”

Destination RESToration Ten Tools for Restored Relationships

Depending on God to give us the tools to use and relying on Him to give us the wisdom in knowing how to use them will make our relationship restoration go far more smoothly than if we try to fix things in our own power. His power is made perfect in our weakness.

Destination RESToration Refining and Replenishing

This is part seven of Destination RESToration. If you have not read the first six segments, I encourage you to do so before you move on to this section. Destination RESToration, DR Restored to Our Original Purpose, DR Preparing for Restoration, DR Restored Communion with God, DR Call the Carpenter. DR Remove, Rinse, & Rest.Continue reading “Destination RESToration Refining and Replenishing”

My Basket of Christmas Goodies

If you were to visit my home right now, you may be served leftovers or cheese and crackers. But they would be good leftovers. What I have to offer you here are some good leftovers from the past few years of blogs. If you wondered about any of the recipes I have shared before, they are in one of these links. If you need to get your heart focused on the true meaning of Christmas, there are some good reflections below. 

Destination RESToration: Remove Rinse and REST

If you feel like you have messed up God’s masterpiece, don’t worry, He is in the business of restoration. He has all the equipment and knowledge to restore your masterpiece to its original purpose and beauty and He has all the time in the world… literally.

Destination RESToration: Restored Communion with God

When I brought home an old worn out table that was bound for the trash, the first thing I did was sand a little corner and wipe it down with water to  see what it would look like after the restoration process was finished. It was beautiful. But I recognized that there was work ahead. It NEEDED restoration. It might be messy, but it was going to be so worth it!

Splendor and Majesty ~ The Trees of the Field Clap Their Hands

Like David wandering in the wilderness of Judah, I have said in my heart, “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” (Psalm 63:1-2). But it’s there that my rings become wider and stronger. The dry valleys are a time of revealing whether what I learned up in the mountains has taken root in my heart.

Did Mary Know?

She most likely knew the joy and heartbreak that was prophesied, in Isaiah, of the life… and death of the Messiah. Her precious baby boy was going to change the world. He was going to bring great joy and suffer great pain and anguish. He was going to bear the sins of all mankind.  And she still said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.”