Splendor and Majesty ~ The Trees of the Field Clap Their Hands

Like David wandering in the wilderness of Judah, I have said in my heart, “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” (Psalm 63:1-2). But it’s there that my rings become wider and stronger. The dry valleys are a time of revealing whether what I learned up in the mountains has taken root in my heart.

Splendor and Majesty ~ Light

Have you ever stopped to consider why, before God created anything else, He said “Let there be light?” God, in His infinite power and wisdom, did not need the light to see what He was doing, yet the moment He spoke light into existence, He saw that it was good. 

Splendor and Majesty – Be Still and Listen

Just like God spoke to Elijah, He has spoken to us. He tells us we are never alone; “I will never leave you or forsake you” Hebrews 13:5) And that He is enough: “Lord you are my portion” Lamentations 3:24) and that He will walk through the water and fire with us. Isaiah 43:2-4

Splendor and Majesty ~ Knowing God Through His Magnificent Creation.

He gave us creation as a way to explain himself to us in terms we humans can understand. What does anything need to live, grow, and survive? Food, water, the sun, and shelter. He is the bread of life, living water, light of life, and a shelter in a time of storm.