Splendor and Majesty – Be Still and Listen

Just like God spoke to Elijah, He has spoken to us. He tells us we are never alone; “I will never leave you or forsake you” Hebrews 13:5) And that He is enough: “Lord you are my portion” Lamentations 3:24) and that He will walk through the water and fire with us. Isaiah 43:2-4

How to be a Royal Heir; Part II

The idea of our beauty as a Royal Heir is not that we can’t wear pretty clothes or do our hair up nice, but that we should be identified by the posture of our hearts, by our actions that are spurred on by the gifts and faith we have been given through our salvation. 

I am a Child of God Part II

I am so grateful to have a Heavenly Father who rescues me from the messes that I make; who goes before me and prepares the way for me; who walks beside me, so I am never alone. I am so fortunate to have the One who can pick me up out of the mirey pit and set my feet on solid ground. And I am humbled that the Creator of the Universe cares enough about me to slow me down and tell me, “Not that way my daughter, here is the way, walk in it.” On my own, in my own power, I can really wander, but with Him at the helm of my ship, I will stay on course. 

I am a Child of God

This morning, I woke up to a chorus of birds singing in my backyard. I was reminded how much God loves it when His creation worships Him. More than that, I thought of how much He cares for all of those birds and how much more He cares for me. Because of His great love I am chosen, redeemed and set apart for His work.

Children of the King

But the truth of who I am is this; when I was five years old, God became my daddy.He wrapped His gentle arms of protection around me and told me that I was special and loved. He guided me from the first moment I asked him to be my Abba. He spoke to me in a still small voice reminding me of who I am in Him.

Jehovah Roi Who is God? Part V

We have been taught to not trust strangers, but our God has offered us the privilege of knowing Him, our King and Creator of the universe, intimately and personally. We learn to trust Him when we grow in revelation, knowledge and understanding of His great name. We do this through studying scripture, listening to sound teaching, and praying. God invites us right where we are to know and trust Him and to become a Child of the King.

Who is God? Part IV

The ENEMY wants us to forget all these benefits. He wants us to base our relationship with God on feelings and emotions. He frequently reminds us of our failures, mistakes, sins, but Jehovah Rapha (our healer) has redeemed us from all our iniquities. Jehovah Shalom (our God of peace) alone can bring us the peace that passes all understanding.

If We are Children of the King, Who is our King? Part II

Some of us are like Moses, we think we need to see a burning bush to really believe in God. Elohim came to Moses and introduced Himself in a very powerful way. The power of God and His name does not come to us in a burning bush today, but He has given us sixty-six books to explain Himself and His work and all of creation reveals His majesty.

Grandmas, Cranberries & Cinnamon Rolls

I was very blessed to have both of my grandmothers well into adulthood. They were as different as could be, but their love of Jesus and their families united them like sisters. I don’t remember my tiny little Gram B ever singing. I don’t remember robust Grama Sandy ever NOT singing (My secret dream is to be able to sing as beautifully as her).