Destination RESToration Restoration for the Weary Soul

This is part nine of Destination RESToration. If you have not read the first eight segments, I encourage you to do so. Destination RESToration, DR Restored to Our Original Purpose, DR Preparing for Restoration, DR Restored Communion with God, DR Call the Carpenter. DR Remove, Rinse, & Rest. DR Refine & Replenish, DR Tools forContinue reading “Destination RESToration Restoration for the Weary Soul”

Did Mary Know?

She most likely knew the joy and heartbreak that was prophesied, in Isaiah, of the life… and death of the Messiah. Her precious baby boy was going to change the world. He was going to bring great joy and suffer great pain and anguish. He was going to bear the sins of all mankind.  And she still said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.”

Splendor and Majesty ~ Let Heaven and Nature Sing

Listen for the wind blowing the leaves of a tree. Be silent and eavesdrop on the bird’s song. Sit still and hear the river’s current splashing over rocks or the quick splash of the fish jumping out of the water. Listen to the waves crash on the shore. Take time to enjoy the laugh of a baby who sees and elephant for the first time. 

What Are You Doing to Prepare for Advent?

I celebrated Christmas. It was a meaningful time of celebrating Christ’s birth with family and friends. I love the music, the time sitting in my home with just the fireplace and the Christmas tree to light and give warmth. But the idea of “preparing for Advent” escaped me. 

Splendor and Majesty ~ Light

Have you ever stopped to consider why, before God created anything else, He said “Let there be light?” God, in His infinite power and wisdom, did not need the light to see what He was doing, yet the moment He spoke light into existence, He saw that it was good. 

Splendor and Majesty ~ Knowing God Through His Magnificent Creation.

He gave us creation as a way to explain himself to us in terms we humans can understand. What does anything need to live, grow, and survive? Food, water, the sun, and shelter. He is the bread of life, living water, light of life, and a shelter in a time of storm.

Grandmas, Cranberries & Cinnamon Rolls

I was very blessed to have both of my grandmothers well into adulthood. They were as different as could be, but their love of Jesus and their families united them like sisters. I don’t remember my tiny little Gram B ever singing. I don’t remember robust Grama Sandy ever NOT singing (My secret dream is to be able to sing as beautifully as her).

Worship, Washington & Work Wednesday

Do you begin to feel worn down along about the middle of the week? I know I do. I get busy “doing” and forget to “be.” It is easy to get busy in our lives and routines and even in our prayers and forget to intentionally take time to worship. Any time is a good time to be still before the Lord and take time to appreciate His gifts and acknowledge who He is. The one thing that can take our mind off of our own problems and burdens is to fix our eyes on our Maker.

How Grandma Willis Would do 2020

Reposted to celebrate Mother’s Day, my rich heritage and the gift of my godly mom-in-law. This is the brief overview of a life well lived. For a more in-depth story of her life see my blog from January 24, 2022